In case you missed it, today Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) filed a discharge petition demanding an up or down vote on congress to extend tax cuts for 98% of Americans. 218 congressmen need to sign the petition to force a vote.
There are 151 signees and counting–here’s what a few of them had to say.
Proud to sign House Dems discharge petition to bring #middleclass #taxcuts to the floor for a vote. Follow here:
— Rep. Mike Honda (@RepMikeHonda) December 4, 2012
Signed the discharge petition today to force House GOP to hold a vote on extending middle-class tax cuts. #my2k
— Rep. Joe Courtney (@RepJoeCourtney) December 4, 2012
No time for delay on #middleclasstaxcuts – that’s why I signed today a discharge petition to force @speakerboehner to schedule vote. #My2K
— AndréCarson (@RepAndreCarson) December 4, 2012
Just signed the discharge petition to bring middle class tax cuts to the floor for a vote. #My2k Track signers here:…
— David E. Price (@RepDavidEPrice) December 4, 2012
#GOP continues to hold #middleclasstaxcuts hostage for 7.3 million NY families-why I signed discharge petition forcing House vote.
—GregoryMeeks (@GregoryMeeks) December 4, 2012
Across the country Americans are making their voice heard by demanding that their members of Congress sign the petition. Pick up the phone and lend your voice to their effort today, then spread the word.